Spiritual Connection
Tell-all night number 2. This one was next level.
Every bad video I've ever watched that could come to mind.
Yes, I searched for people's names, but then it gets boring and you stop.
For some reason, some Israeli women doing the bad videos are 7/10s and non-Israeli women are usually 5-6s/10.
Maybe, because Jesus said to gouge eyes out and the Old Testament only says eye for an eye as a consequence for lust?
Maybe Jews don't think it's as bad so even more attractive women would do it?
Is Jesus actually a genius? I thought he was just think nice man.
Before we met, in med school I did something unsavory 4 times. Listen, so did Samson in the Bible.
I have high testosterone for being half Jewish and I was super stressed in med school.
I know, Samson got his eyes gouged out by being tricked during sexual relations, but do you want to know why I stopped?
I met someone who maybe could have been a girlfriend, but I couldn't talk to her anymore because of how we met. I never did that bad thing again after that.
Okay, fine, let's go over every relationship I ever had and why we broke up.
That's seriously everything. That's everything I ever did bad.
I'm sorry I'm not perfect, but that is me laid bare.
She was just as upset as the first time.
The next day she wanted to know why I searched for those Israeli women.
I've never seen 7/10 women in videos like that, they're usually 5/10.
Also, I didn't realize you could make a man finish, only by licking the upper back part of the banana. Those were the 80S videos.
Our videos are 95S. I'm never watching those again, I don't need to. No desire. No temptation. Honestly, no desire.
Okay fine, I looked up their social media one time to try to learn why what they're doing is bad.
On one page they had a gift page for luxury purses and other items.
They weren't doing this for food.
They weren't actually desperate.
They made their choice for money over God.
It was wrong.
Emily actually agreed.
Emily was in a desperate situation before and she didn't choose to do that.
But she had a few skeletons in her closet.
Time for her tell-all night.
Oh God.
Before we get into the details, let's get to know Emily.
She grew up poor.
Dirt poor.
Not American welfare poor.
Thailand slums rationing eggs poor.
Before the slums she lived in a nice suburban home in Thailand and went to International School.
She was the best in math.
Her half Thai, half Pakistani mother married a blonde hair blue eyed American man who came back to the region after being a Marine in Vietnam.
His money went further in Thailand and they were able to live a good life.
But Emily's grandparents didn't approve of this marriage.
Emily's grandparents met in Thailand when East Pakistanis made the trek to Thailand during the war before it turned it into Bangladesh.
They wanted her mom to marry a local Muslim man.
But her mom felt that she wanted someone smarter and better looking, so she married the ex Marine.
Things were going okay, until he left for a younger Vietnamese woman.
Suburban house gone, hello slums. They're no child support payments in Thailand.
Her mom was devastated and started to get cancer, probably from the stress.
Emily was a pretty girl, and she started doing TV commercials to support the family.
She had pretty steady work, and people would recognize her on the street. There was a banner of her at the mall.
She had to sacrifice going to school though, and she missed school and competing with the boys in math.
After a couple years though, Emily and her sisters were able to come to the U.S. because of her ex Marine dads psychologist guilt tripping him into getting them into the U.S. foster system, instead of them living in the slums with their dying mother.
Emily just turned 13, she's been in the U.S. for 3 month in the foster system, and her mom in Thailand passes away.
Financial security is huge to Emily, because everything can and was taken away from her, but she doesn't want to have to support the family. It wasn't right for her to have to do that as a child and sacrifice her childhood.
Commitment is also crucial for her, as her dad didn't commit and it had devastating consequences.
I met Emily when she just turned 20.
I was in med school in Scranton Pa.
She was living a few hours north at a farm north milking cows, stacking wood, and doing dishes for her foster parents.
The foster parents lived at the farm for free in exchange for taking care of the elderly grandparent owners.
In addition to farm-work, Emily had to work two server jobs to pay the rent charged by the foster parents.
It was better than the slums, but Emily wanted a better life.
Her foster parents wanted to set her up with a strict Baptist.
She wasn't interested in the suitors.
She wanted someone smarter and better looking, like her mom.
She wasn't allowed to find someone for herself, so she quickly downloaded a few dating apps, messaged some people, and then deleted the apps.
Luckily she messaged me.
I drove 3 hours the next day to meet her in a McDonald's parking lot.
I knew we were going to married when I walked up to her car window and she said, "You thought I was gonna be a fat bitch didn't you?"
We got Oreo McFlurrys and I went all the way to impress her how I'm going to be the next best neurologist.
She asked how much debt I was in and she was happy to hear I was one of the med students without student debt.
Then she grilled me to my soul about how deeply I believe in Jesus.
I believed in Jesus, I did, but she wanted full commitment, nothing lukewarm.
I tried to win her over, but I had only practiced superficial med school interview questions, I wasn't ready for this.
My answers were probably like a B to her, but she agreed to hang out again.
She's scary, but so incredibly amazing.
I was so impressed, I had never met someone like Emily.
Emily is a 10/10 looks wise to me, no question.
But she's also playful with the fat bitch comment,
And gentle with her smile,
She's intenser than my dad, John, on Jesus, who attends Catholic mass every Sunday,
But open-minded about other things like work as I didn't really know exactly where my career was going,
But she knew that I would be able to provide,
She's humble and not trying to impress anyone,
But I could tell she had an ingenious sense about people and relationships,
She's extraordinarily sensitive, but not afraid at all to stand up to anyone, especially me.
I'm in love, there is this deep connection here.
What does the Bible say about deep connections between a man and a woman?
Genesis describes it as two becoming one flesh. That's pretty intense. Okay, but what does that mean? Why does it have to be so intense? What's the purpose?
Jesus called out Moses for allowing divorce because of their hardened hearts, and that true marriage joins together man and women under God forever.
Okay, interesting, it's good to have softened, more loving hearts, but still, what are the specific attractions between male and female that are so pleasing to God?
What does God want?
God wants fruit.
Like a bee keeper wants honey.
How are we made in the image of God?
Well we are the only animals that can create, a little bit, like God, the ultimate creator.
Okay, who are the most similar to humans?
Our common primate ancestor led to humans, chimps, and apes.
Why don't we have big canine teeth like chimps and apes?
Because we're monogamous, and we don't need that weapon for males to fight off other males for harems of females to mate with.
Okay, so God wanted us to be monogamous, why?
Well birds are monogamous too, because the younglings can't fly at birth and need protection to grow before they can fly.
Well our big brains can't fly at birth either, and we need a lot of time to learn and grow. We can't talk until we're three.
Monogamy gave us a safe environment for us to grow bigger brains, and let our big brains fly.
Okay, so monogamy allowed us to grow big enough brains to be able to create enough to be in the image of God.
That's great, but what's this fruit God wants?
How do we make it?
It's probably something physical, God made these elements specifically and made us the best animal at manipulating them, like Him in His image.
God's probably not made of these elements, and made them because He needed them. He's an engineer after all.
God made fusion with the stars, and we made a fission bomb. It's a start being in His image, but we still don't know what type of honey He's actually after. It's not just a fission bomb.
And we cheated, we're using His elements, we didn't have to make our own.
He made the elements with fusion, and we think we're smart because we're exploiting a technicality of uranium, which He also made.
Anyway, what does this have to do with monogamy?
Well, monogamy got us this far, did we max it out?
Should we try polygamy now?
Well that might make us grow bigger canines, and would probably just make us go backwards.
Are we sure we maxed out monogamy?
What else does the Bible say about male and female connection?
King Solomon was very attracted to the woman in Song of Solomon.
He thought she was 10/10 looks wise.
But was it just because she was pretty?
She liked that he was a King, and had a lot of money.
She didn't want to be a prostitute like Solomon's friends have around the pastures, and Solomon assures her by giving her more gold to make her stand out.
She liked having more gold than the prostitutes. She may have felt some guilt and wanted to make herself clearly differentiated from that.
It sounds like a young pretty girl seeking arrangements to marry a rich guy.
Not prostitution, but Solomon clearly stated he has money and can provide, and she clearly depicted to Solomon she was pretty.
Okay, so men are attracted to women's looks, and women want men who have money.
Why doesn't every woman just go seeking arrangements for a King Solomon?
Back to Emily's tell-all night.
Before Emily and me were too serious, I had a bad habit of being a flirt.
And one weekend I hung out with my old friend in Philadelphia,
My flirting went a bit too far, but the lust wasn't fully consummated, so to speak.
I stopped myself before it went too far, and I never did that again in my life.
I told Emily what happened and she didn't believe it didn't go all the way.
It really didn't, but that didn't matter.
She wasn't going to take me serious.
At this point, we had gotten Emily out of her foster parents house and into an apartment, and she was working at TGI Fridays.
She took out student loans for medical assistant school, and she was finishing up beauty school too.
But she was just getting by financially, and now I wasn't being committed.
This was far too risky for her.
She needed a King Solomon.
So she started seeking arrangements to find one.
One potential suitor was a little older than me and had both parents as doctors who funded his real estate investments.
But he wasn't innocent and seemed too far gone emotionally with his vices.
But she didn't laugh with him.
The second was actually a King Solomon.
He made $100 million from doing insurance and lived in a palace.
There was a larger age gap though and he was also too far gone after 3 marriages.
She met a dentist who was caring and nice, and more innocent,
Not too far gone, never married,
But too large of an age gap and no laughs.
None of them made her laugh.
She was laughing by herself at her own jokes.
She didn't just not love them, but she didn't seem to like them either.
She was just hanging out for money for bills and food.
They wanted an emotional connection , she didn't feel one.
Apparently, it wasn't just her looks they were after, they wanted her emotional side too.
Deep down she started to feel bad and didn't want to hurt them,
After some time, I was finally able to prove to her that I was fully committed.
She broke it off with the King Solomons.
They all offered large sums of money.
It wasn't enough though.
$50k shopping sprees didn't make her laugh, didn't make her feel love.
They all cried.
Emily was finally learning men have feelings too.
Her mom told her they don't, because her dad left.
Emily has been in survival mode since she was 9.
Emily told me all this on our tell-all night.
I actually was kind of impressed.
$100 million? Are you serious?
I know I said I was going to be a billionarie, but young men can have high aspirations, and it might take a while, and you know I might be off by a couple zeros.
You must actually like me.
What on Earth do you actually like about me?
Well we're closer in age, she said, so we connect better.
She liked my brain, and that I don't ever give up on things, including her.
She liked that I had a really close family.
She saw that I could provide financially as well, but I also offered her emotional security.
She had fun hanging out with me.
At this point, we've been together for 10 years, and it's still fresh and full of life.
There's still so much growth, on a daily basis, on an hourly basis.
It's like God gave us a partner to grow our brains.
When I first met her my head circumference was 23.75".
I did a bunch of neurology rotations and we constantly measured heads. My mentor would say let's see how handsome you are to a patient and measure their head.
My head is now 24".
Your brains actually keep growing in adulthood, especially if you push their growth with a job or something stimulation.
If you think about the volume of a sphere, an extra 1/4" from 23.75" to 24" in a huge amount of extra neurons and connections.
Wait, what were we saying about monogamy being maxed out?
Didn't monogamy lead to our bigger brains because it was a stable, non-violent environment for infants and toddlers?
We'll my brain got significantly bigger from age 24-34.
Yes, during this time I was in med school, but to be honest that didn't really challenge me in a way that's natural for me.
It was difficult, yes, but mostly because I couldn't read so fast and remember so many things.
I did fruit fly neuroscience research one summer, where the geniuses at Johns Hopkins essentially programmed a fruit fly to prefer the Atkins diet.
Dr. Wu was really nice for putting me on the research paper.
That was cool to me. That's why I wanted to go to med school, for stuff like that.
After that I spent so much time thinking about fruit fly brains I applied for a research position that I didn't quite get, but Dr. Bock at Janelia was so nice he let me do work remotely since all their work was online anyway.
They sliced up a fruit fly brain and took images of every slice.
The slices were so thin, you could trace out the entire fruit fly brain.
It took a lot of manpower and I helped out as much as a med student could.
I was so interested in how circuits could lead to actual behaviors.
Like what is the specific circuit arrangement in a fetus's brain that allows them to recognize the triangle of a face, and why? How do you ingrain that into a brain physically?
We looked at a brain region called the Mushroom Body involved in memory formation.
I wrote a paper called Mushroom Body Mechanism Body and got high honors in med school course credit, and the school wrote a article about me, but I never published the work or pursued it further.
I got what I needed out of the experience. At that point Emily and me needed to move to Silicon Valley for me to start my research position at a spinal cord stimulation company.
But essentially, I learned every decision you make in life comes down to Yes or No.
There is literally a 'Yes' alpha lobe and a 'No' beta lobe in the memory formation part of your brain, well there is in a fruit fly and I'm sure it's a similar mechanism in us.
Most decisions are not black and white.
We have to make a pro and cons list.
Our brains do this for us whether or not we actually make the list.
I wanted gentle and humble like my Grandma Mary.
That's Yes lobe for me.
Grandma Mary impacted everyone in the town.
Everyone knew her and loved her.
I was 6 years old and I could feel the impact. She made everyone light up.
I told her one time I could see the air,
She didn't call me crazy, she asked what did it look like?
It was just dust, but I had the emotional security to ask questions without being called names because she was gentle. She was humble and open-minded enough to want to learn more.
In Texas, I witnessed a boy at McDonalds tell his grandmother his vanilla cone tasted like chocolate and she said no it doesn't why would you say that and the boy didn't say another word. They're both sweet, though. What actually makes them different? He could have learned.
I needed gentle, humble, and open-minded.
My Yes lobe had serious gentle, humble, and open-mind connections at age 6.
Emily needed a good family and commitment when her dad left.
Major family and commitment connections for at age 9 for her.
Major ethics intensity connections for me at age 4 when my dad caught me stealing a ribbon at a convenience store. It was just a ribbon though. NO IT'S STEALING.
Major stand up for yourself and women craft men connections when I was in elementary school when my mom would yell at my dad calling him a big shot. Yes lobe. How on earth can someone stand up to him, he was like God to me.
Major connections for need a smart girl in high school, shortly after that, need a pretty girl, can't just be smart, shortly after that need a pretty and smart girl or else it won't work connections.
Major connections for need a girl to laugh with. It's important. Something about laughing is important. Has to do with creativity.
My absolute yes lobe for a wife in order was need ethics intensity, gentle, humble, open-minded, stand up for yourself and against me, and then smart, then pretty, then it's better if they're a little younger for a better connection.
Emily's absolute yes lobe for a husband in order was good family and commitment, being able to provide, someone who made her laugh, smart, a little handsome, and a little older.
Everything in life comes down to Yes or No.
When I met Emily it was immediately Yes.
Gentle, humble, open-minded, intense with ethics, stood up to me, smart, pretty, and we laughed together.
That was it for me, I would have married her at McDonalds.
Honestly, I would have settled for significantly less.
For her, it wasn't immediately Yes.
I had a good family, financially stable, smart, handsome, we laughed together, and I was intense about ethics, better age difference, but you can't just show commitment immediately. Once I did that, then it was Yes.
I wanted to take a year off after med school. I was pretty burned out.
Emily needed a financially stable life though.
But, Emily really cared about me. What about I going to do for a year? Idle hands are the devils play things.
I told her I didn't want to be a doctor because vanilla tasted like chocolate.
Most patients took slightly took different flavors of medications, but all were essentially the same overweight, depressed, unhealthy patient, with only a good metaphorical heart, not a physical one.
She didn't correct me like the grandmother at McDonalds.
She was open-minded, gentle, and humble.
I told her I saw the air, and it wasn't dust this time, there could be a new ways to treat diseases with electricity instead of pharmaceuticals.
She didn't call me crazy, she asked what I saw.
I saw spinal cord stimulators sending electrical signals to other organs, not just the spinal cord.
If the pharmaceuticals are trying to treat cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure, but they're not making people healthy, why not electrically influence the liver, pancreas, and blood vessels?
Emily cared about me enough to see I had more to offer than being a neurologist.
She challenged me to apply for jobs.
I wasn't against it, I just didn't know how. She showed me LinkedIn and Indeed.
Okay, I applied.
I got an internship position in California.
California, here we come.
I filed a patent for T2D with my boss.
He's kind of a big deal. (link)
But the company fundamentally wasn't open-minded, gentle, or humble.
They were overconfident.
They were also stressed, over-worked, and worried about shareholders.
Everything was about money.
The Bible says you can't serve God and money, you can only choose one. (link)
Why is that?
Because if you focus solely on money, you won't grow the way that God wants you to grow.
But they already had so much success, they don't need to grow anymore, right?
Trees take years before yielding fruit, and they don't have quadrillion of neural connections to grow properly before yielding fruit, like a medium sized company.
We're His seeds after all, and the farmer wants us to grow in a certain way.
But if you focus only on money, you likely aren't serving God.
God knows you need money. (link)
He'll ensure you get what you need.
But if focus only on money, it will lead to destruction.
We couldn't get a house in California, so we had to leave.
Her nutritious eggs needed a better nest.
She wasn't going to settle, and neither was I.
They weren't cultivating God's fruit.
Austin, TX.
Learned about business and saturation.
Realized Nevro was saturated.
Needed to innovate.
Started becoming an engineer.
Had some success with wedge pillow, acupressure clip, percussive device, and tremor device.
Covid-19 happened and the wedge pillow became saturated. Other people started trying Shopify and Amazon.
Also, I noticed covering our faces felt dehumanizing, covering up that triangle isn't good.
Fortunately, Emily and me had each other. Emily got pregnant during this time.
When Luke was born, Emily was Covid positive so we got this bigger room to ourselves at the hospital.
I pushed for the name Luke because Luke was with Paul in the jail cell when Paul said, "Love is patient, love is kind..." and I thought it was profound you can learn important things from people who you might not have wisdom, especially people in prison.
One day the masked nurse, who was super nice, told us you have him until he's 18.
I was like 18? My brain was still growing at 30. He'll need way more support to thrive than just 18 years.
I had like 6 tremor devices orders after the hospital. I was getting bored of the tremor device, and I was slowly becoming a better engineer and thought maybe I should try to get a research grant.
We're going to need more money with Luke here.
I applied and first an evaluator said I couldn't engineer the brain cancer device I suggested because it was too complex.
So I made the device, and showed that I could turn on or off a fever in someone who has brain cancer in a sheep skull brain phantom model.
I got the sheep skull on eBay.
People with brain cancer should have a fever, but the body doesn't recognize there's a problem.
Fevers aren't random, they trigger for your body to have an immune response, partially by making the blood vessels open up more so immune cells can get to the problem.
I used the same brain phantom jelly we used to show DBS temperature safety at Nevro.
I reapplied but still didn't get the grant.
It seemed like they only want to give grants to a Harvard professor type who have a university backing.
It was okay though, because it motivated me to up my engineers skills and capabilities.
The cancer device was harder to make than the tremor device, which was harder to make than the acupressure clip.
Since I didn't get the grant though, I needed to do something, the tremor device made some sales, but half the people returned it. It wasn't making enough money, and they were really hard for me to make in the garage.
I could probably take on a bigger engineering project now, but I didn't have any ideas about what to make.
Elon Musk moved Tesla to Austin during this time, and shortly after moved Neuralink as well.
Why don't I apply for a job there?
I definitely thought I could help them. I led the safety and regulatory efforts for DBS at Nevro and Neuralink was having trouble getting their FDA approval for their brain implant.
Maybe I could handle some more of the engineering now too.
I applied and included everything I knew about how they could get their approval.
Also, I started thinking about the fundamental differences between what I was doing, a health tech startup, and what they're doing, consumer tech.
I did live in Silicon Valley for a little bit. I went to the computer history museum in San Jose. Computers stemmed from WW2 so we could compute differential equations associated with plane flight trajectories. Maybe so we didn't nuke the plane when we dropped it.
Neurologically though, what is modern day consumer tech?
It uses touch, our fingers type or control the mouse or use a touch screen.
It uses hearing for music and videos.
Most importantly though, it uses vision.
Neuralink was trying to make an implantable mouse to control a screen with your brain. The problem is the market is very small. Most people who have working hands, wouldn't need one.
I suggested to them it might be interesting to use their device to trigger visual images in people's minds.
The problem was you'd need 12 of their devices implanted to get a recognizable, although blurry, image of a person's face.
Neuralink didn't think I was a fit for the company. Shortly after my submission though, they announced they were going to start to use their device to help the blind see, and 7 months later they got their first FDA approval for the mouse implant.
Maybe they'll be able to do something with their device, but I started to think there's probably a better way to do visual stimulation than someday using 12 brain implants for a blurry face image.
The next day, Emily showed me Mojo Lens, a contact lens company that was trying to shine an image directly to the retina from the lens.
I reached out to the CEO and he liked my graphene material science experience, but I wasn't very excited about having to use graphene for the lens.
I had finally gotten the cancer device working, and I realized hardware actually takes up physical space. I was a physics major, that's why I worked on graphene.
I used to be all theoretical. Anything can be done theoretically. The problem is everyone has a theory until you actually have to engineer something.
My boss at Nevro helped teach me that when I was doing temperature safety work for DBS. He had me work in the lab and the lead tech was a hands-on type of guy who sparked my mind thinking like an engineer, and not just a physicist.
There are power requirements for devices, and graphene, although super thin, isn't going to be the saving grace. If you can't do it with copper, it's probably not going to work.
Mojo Lens didn't think I was a fit either. They went out of business a few months later.
I reached out to a Korean scientist who had previously worked on smart glasses, who was very nice, but unfortunately, wasn't working on that anymore. He was working on manufacturing ice cream with advanced robotics.
I realized what I needed to do, glasses didn't work because you couldn't fit enough hardware, but you could just fit everything in a hat.
Smart hat that you can Google Lens anything you look at.
Austin started being too expensive, so we moved to Tampa, FL to be closer to my parents in Naples.
We were able to get a bigger nest
Took me like a year to make it, but it was too heavy and bulky.
My dad was like why don't you just clip the heavy part to your belt.
So I did, which freed of the glasses to be light.
Also, who cares if you can Google Lens anything you look at.
I started using it as a wifi drone display, which is actually really fun, but still drones get boring after a few weeks.
Then I started doing the exercise experiments at the gym and that's how I came up with this.
Fundamentally, this experience showed me vision is extraordinarily powerful.
The way women look is extraordinarily stimulating to men visually.
Monogamy isn't maxed out.
We don't stop developing at age 18.
God's fruit is very hard to engineer and we need to be focused.
Love cannot be bought.
Don't need a virgin.
Women mold men.
Having kids drives you.
Be with someone who loves you, because they are your closest partner and they'll only guide you if they love you.
Make videos with your wife.
Do ketosis at least once in your life, it will make you feel closer to God.
This is a good way to lose weight and boost testosterone.
This will improve your sex life.
Love is very vulnerable and being joined as one flesh means telling each other everything so you both can grow.
Testosterone was made by God so men could take risks, and women stabilize this.
Men like looks in a woman so their sperm can have a good receiver, and women like money because they want a good nest for their eggs.
God decided he needed to create a universe of different elements than Himself.
He needed a new kind of fruit.
In the early universe He crafted the first elements in plasma with His hands.
It was too still hot for hydrogen to solidify.
Despite the intense heat His hands did not get burned and he was in complete control.
He used His energy to design hydrogen perfectly so his fruit could be made.
His hands did not burn because He is not made of the same elements He created. He is made of something different.
He needed to create new elements to make the new fruit that He wanted.
He worked out what was precisely needed in hydrogen for it to scale to higher elements billions of years later in stars.
His designing took around 400,000 years.
His strategy was precise.
His vision timeless.
In a similar way to a chemist knowing that pouring baking soda into vinegar will have a predictable reaction, God knows the exact reactions of his creations.
Like a chemist, who can pour extra ingredients and stir when needed, God can influence the elements as they are reacting.
His hands are not made of the elements He created and don't react with them in the same way.
His hardware is the elements, His software is His hands.
He is the ultimate scientist, the ultimate engineer, the ultimate genius.
He knew His gravity would bring hydrogen together and form a star.
He designed hydrogen to fuse with itself under the right conditions and release energy.
This sustains the star and creates helium.
He knew fusion would change hydrogen and create neutrons.
He knew when the star ran out of hydrogen as a fuel, helium would fuse to create carbon and oxygen.
He knew when helium ran out, carbon and oxygen would make sodium, silicon and iron.
This made most of the elements required to make Earth and life.
He knew supernova explosions would create potassium, copper, gold, and uranium.
He then spread out His new elements in His new universe so that life could be made in His image.
God knew only life crafted in His image would be able to make the fruit He wants.
God is the ultimate Father, so He gave His children Earth as our home for free.
A 5.5 quadrillion sq. ft mansion at no cost.
The Father made sure our home was perfectly stable for the billions of years of evolution to come.
Like a genius chemist, he created buffer systems in the Earth to resist change, so it could remain stable for His children who needed time to learn and grow.
God needed a fundamental building block for life, like hydrogen was for the other elements.
In the early Earth, He crafted the first cells in the ocean with His hands.
God separated water from oil so oil could be the outer barrier for His cells.
He gave the cells self-replicating blueprints.
They first blueprints would also fold into working machines themselves.
The machines were powered by molecules God made outside of the cell.
One cell machine let in these first food molecules.
Another machine inside the cell digested these molecules to get energy out of them.
God has now created life.
God knew His creation of life would create something new: competition.
Life would now compete with each other for His resources.
God ultimately wants His fruit, but not at any cost.
God is good and wants His competition to be as fair as possible.
Up until this point, God, the ultimate engineer, has not needed help.
He has been engineering his genius designs for 11.5 billion years.
He knew that this new fierce competition will lead to dishonesty, hostility, and strained relationships between lifeforms.
God needed something divine to monitor these competitions, while He could continue with His creating.
He still needed to make life in the image of God, and ultimately, create His fruit.
So God created referees for his competitions and called them angels.
Angels were not made of His elements, but were made of something else, like God.
Angels would serve God without question and protect and guide life as they compete and evolve.
Angels were made as a way to manage the negative aspects that competition can bring.
They could take form of any type of life to influence life and help level the playing field.
Angels are not made in the image of God, though, as they cannot create, like the Creator Himself.
Also, up until this point, no life has been made in the image of God either.
The early cells continued to compete with each other for God's food molecules and came up with more efficient ways to generate energy.
Some cells put machines in their cell membrane to push out His hydrogen to create a pressure across the membrane.
Another cell membrane machine used the hydrogen pressure to generate energy in a more efficient way.
This is the same hydrogen that God took 400,000 years to design.
The same hydrogen that God used to make the stars, which made all the other elements.
The cell competition became greater and greater and God's food sources were beginning to dwindle as so many new cells were being made.
Many cells could not compete and some were starting to go hungry.
The food came from hot water jets deep in the ocean.
Cells had vibration and temperature sensors in their membrane so they could go close enough to these jets to get food, but not too close and get destroyed.
God gave orders to an angel to go to the surface of the ocean to help.
God saw His cells needed help, and He delegated this responsibility to an angel.
Before God went back to His engineering, He told the angel to be patient.
The angel was ordered to send vibrations at the surface of the ocean similar to the ones that came from the hot water jets.
Some of the hungry cells that couldn't get close enough to the vents heard the angel.
Cells had little tails in their cell membrane that could wiggle and make them move around.
The hungry cells went toward the surface and started to feel the warmth as well from what sounded like vents at the surface.
They got to the surface, and there was no food, but it was warm from the sun.
While the cells were still hungry, they heard the vents deeper in the ocean again.
This time the deep vents had enough food for all the cells and they were able to get eat.
The next day as they were still digesting, the angel called again from the surface.
Most cells didn't go back, it wasn't logical, as there was no food the first time and now they have food.
They were getting smarter now, their DNA was adapting in a way to put more sensors on the bottom of the cell.
When the top of the cell sensors trigger, it's not from a vent, it's something else that's warm, but doesn't have food.
Now they can be a little more competitive with the other cells.
They'll have more bottom cell sensors to help sense the vents better to get there a little faster.
Yes, they might still get hungry sometimes, but now they won't have to waste energy going to surface.
These cells became animals.
Some of the cells had different logic though.
Yes, they have food to digest now, and yes, the angel vibrations were triggering the top sensors where there wasn't food.
But the angel sounds make the vibration receptors twist in a slightly different way.
And the warmth at the surface make the temperature receptors twist slightly differently too.
Some cells decided to slowly move toward the surface vibrations again.
As they got closer, they noticed it was much warmer today than yesterday.
Something was different today.
They were able to digest their food much easier for some reason when they were at the surface.
Their cell machines could more easily pull hydrogen through the membrane and make energy from yesterday's food.
The warmth from the sun was different from the warmth from the vents. The surface warmth gave them more energy.
These cells started to get smarter in a different way, their DNA was adapting in a way to put more temperature sensors on the top of the cell.
Now they don't need as much food as the other cells, because they can make more energy from a smaller amount of food if they go to the surface to digest.
They became more efficient.
These cells became plants.
In this way, God used angels to help keep the competition fair and drive evolution forward.
Neither cell line did anything wrong, and both cells benefitted.
Meanwhile, God was figuring out what orders to give to angels so that life could be made in His image.
The angel started making
One type of cell made machines that made energy from the sun by splitting water.
This put oxygen that was in the ocean, into the atmosphere.
This worked so well these had extra glucose energy to store, and glucose links called glycogen.
This is the same glycogen that's in your liver and muscles right now.
These cells later turned into plants.
This efficiently led to other cell types that used atmospheric oxygen to make energy even more efficiently.
New bacteria-like cells came along that loved the way this sugar tasted and the way oxygen felt to breath.
These were our ancestors, but they were single cells.
Despite that it seems more and more complex,
God has always been in complete control.
He knew exactly what He was doing to create his new fruit.
Like hydrogen, he worked out what was precisely needed from cells for them to scale to higher lifeforms billions of years later on Earth.
His strategy still precise.
His vision still timeless.
Like hydrogen, he designed cells to fuse with each other under the right conditions and release energy.
He knew fusion would change the tools and supplies within the cells and create new DNA.
Unlike hydrogen though, God could not use gravity to bring cells together to fuse, the gravity from the Earth was too strong.
God knew He needed a new force of attraction to continue the process of making life in His image.
Before Adam was a human, Adam was a single cell.
It was not a lowly life form to be at the time, it was the most advanced creation ever made in the universe.
But God's fruit wasn't unicellular organisms, and God needed Adam to become multicellular.
He needed something Adam was physically attracted to, like gravity, to get him moving toward other cells, to eventually fuse the two together.
So God made Eve.
Eve was a cell God made from a copy of Adam, but God made her slightly different than Adam.
God gave Eve the ability to make a chemical she could release to attract Adam.
Eve would get tired from making this chemical, but it was very effective at attracting Adam.
God knew this higher energy requirement for Eve would make her vulnerable.
But God's strategy was precise.
He also Adam a new tool to physically move toward Eve.
God knew the environment he made for Adam and Eve in stars billions of years ago.
He knew there was food and nutrients along the way to Eve.
Adam soon realized this too and that he could move toward Eve and pick up energy on the way.
Adam was the first sperm, his tool to move toward Eve was a tail.
Eve was the first egg, her chemical was like progesterone.
God made a new type of gravity.
Adam fused with Eve and loved the way her chemical made him feel energized and full of life.
Eve was happy to have access to the food and nutrients Adam picked up along the way to her.
Adam and his copies and Eve and her copies fused as God intended and creating new types of cells with new types of DNA.
It was perfect, and Adam and Eve were in paradise in God's nutrient rich garden.
God's hardware was be
Eve liked the idea of free food without having to fuse with this other cell like Adam.
Adam sometimes didn't pick up that much food, and this would help.
Eve took some food from this slithering cell, and gave him some chemicals.
Adam later fused with Eve and she gave him some of the extra food she received.
The problem with this dynamic is that God did not intend for Adam and Eve to just make copies in comfort.
Also, the slithering cell going so far and carrying so much. Division of labor is much more efficient.
He needs them to grow and evolve into capable multicellular organisms.
The slithering cell challenged God's strategy.
He felt he already had a big capable tail, and there's no need to him to struggle anymore.
Who does this God think He is? Making him suffer like this. His plan is nonsense.
God was frustrated with this dynamic.
God loved his creations, and He though keeping Adam and Eve in a nutrient rich environment would be ideal, but it actually kept them from evolving.
God had to push them out of the nutrient rich environment to make them struggle a little more.
This forced them to evolve in the way He wanted.
These were harder times. But we grew in the way God wanted.
God has to make us struggle more for us to grow and evolve.
Eve got bigger and slower and Adam got smaller and more mobile.
They were cells with bad DNA repair mechanisms.
Adam could swim farther and get food.
Eve would use the materials to make and store energy more efficiently than Adam.
It was a symbiotic relationship, division of labor. It was very efficient.
Eventually Eves became bigger and slower and Adams smaller faster.
Eve was so big that it started to make more sense for Adam to enter into Eve to deliver nutrients to specific regions inside, instead delivering them through the gap junction hole on the side of Eve.
Adam was scared though, it seemed dangerous, so at first he didn't want to commit.
Remember, Adam was still a single cell and was making copies of himself.
Some of the copies had slight mutations too.
One had a really strong tail and was able to carry slightly more nutrients because the tail could propel a little more weight.
This slithering copy didn't believe in God's grueling plan. He thought he was so powerful he could outcompete God.
This copy felt confident he would never have to enter Eve.
He was so confident he started tempting Eve with better food that the slightly smaller and slower Adam.
God told Eve to not take food from this copy as it wasn't in accordance with His plan.
Eve did take the food and offered some to Adam too.
The ancestors of these cells are still slithering around somewhere in the ocean.
Talk about the snake that didn't want to enter us!
Still slithering around.
He could just power through and keep getting bigger and faster.
He needed to be vulnerable though, he knew it was the right thing to do so eventually he changed his mind.
Eventually Adam went into Eve and his telomeres stuck to Eves.
Made diploid. Two become one.
Their DNA became physically stuck together.
Like hydrogen becoming helium.
Hydrogen, a genius building block from God.
The cell, another genius building block from God.
Huge turning point. The first fertilized egg. The first zygote.
Not like the ones today, they still had to work out how to get it to work.
Took a long time. They had to be patient. Love is patient. God is patient.
But cell divisions mixed DNA more effectively now.
More rapid changes in outcomes.
Cell divisions eventually started making cells that stuck together, like zygotes today.
1 cell, became 2, became 4, became 8, became 16, and so on.
They got mouths, and muscles, and eyes.
Since every cell already had Adam's DNA, some cells could specialize into making very efficient tails structures.
Since every cell already had Eve's DNA, some cells could specialize into nutrient storage.
Ovaries and testes allows for new haploid Adams and Eves to be made to continue progression forward.
Only Adam and Eve have to be haploid.
The organisms were very efficient and God was happy.
The efficiency and sexual reproduction rapidly led to bigger and more complex animals.
The permanent union of Adam and Eve drove evolution forward.
But God still wasn't satisfied, we still could not make His fruit.
He wanted us to become fish.
Before Adam was a human, Adam was a fish.
Adam doesn't remember his ancestors that only had a flagella to swim toward Eve.
Now he has a brain, a backbone, muscles, and a strong fin to swim.
These new features given to him by God that took millions of years to make don't feel impressive to Adam though, just feel normal.
Many generations ago, Adam trusted God and initially fused with Eve and has progressed so much in the eyes of God.
God was somewhat happy, but the fruit he spent all this time and effort for isn't just to make a fish.
That means Adam has to struggle again.
Adam has to go on land.
Some of Adam's copies thought it was too much to have to fuse with Eve when they were unicellular, and are either still swimming around or went extinct.
Most fish in Adam's colony now are strongly opposed to this suicidal idea of swimming on land.
Fused as one flesh through time, super important
A little discomfort allows for this growth in for God's plan to be realized. The right mutations won't happen?
Yes, this copy liked Eve's chemicals, but didn't want to have to fuse.
Eve liked how her chemicals could make Adam come toward her.
Adam has to struggle and toil to get the nutrients required to move toward Eve, but it was okay because he really liked Eve's chemicals.
Adam fused with Eve as one, and Eve now had access to all of Adams nutrients.
Adam now also had close access to Eve's chemicals.
Adam and Eve were both already independent, and had functioning chromosomes because they would reproduce by themselves, but now they could share each other's chromosomes.
Eve had to give birth to a different type of cell now, which was painful.
The problem was now they're in such close proximity and Eve and Adam had different things they wanted.
We don't use just chemicals anymore, we use vision.
He knew creating women would be an enormous risk.
God created man because He needed them.
God then had to create women, because men needed them.
It was the devil who
What did Moses, Jesus, Socrates, Gandhi, & Steve Jobs all have in common?
They fasted.
Fasting triggers ketosis.
Ketosis can help us express our emotions better.
It makes us more spiritual and it touch with fundamental aspects of life.
It helps us be vulnerable and grow emotionally.
Fasting is hard though.
Need the device.
Ketosis makes you spiritual
You'll be out in your yard trying to feed bread to a stork
Why don't he eat it?
The cranes eat it all the time
I need to try harder and be patient
But then you'll realize their carnivores
and you can force things like that
and you'll be thankful that God allowed you to exist.
Commitment makes you vulnerable, have to stand up for your children's future.
Can't just keep changing your mind and think things will be different.
There's one
Your body
- Weight Loss
- I lost 50 lbs of Fat
- Intense workouts can trigger ketosis on demand
- Very spiritual and big emotional release
- Gained Muscle
- Gained 10 lbs of Muscle
- Testosterone anabolic steroid
- Joints Feel Better
- Lower Back and Knees don't Hurt Anymore
- Better & More Frequent Sex
- More dominating and can be more physical
- Her Boobs Went from B to C
- Intravaginal & intraoral hormone absorption is real
- Intravaginal & intraoral hormone absorption is real
- She also lost weight
- Said she wanted to look better?
- Better cardiovascular health
- Blood pressure went from 140/90 to 120/80
- Important note though: arm pressure is one thing, but lower abdominal fat means lower visceral fat means lower pericardial fat
- less pressure on heart