
Testosterone is a complex hormone and in the past 25 years the average testosterone in men has gone down 25%. There's a lot of reasons why one big reason is pornography. Watching stimulating material on the wingman can stimulate testosterone release enhance your workouts and help you trigger ketosis which can help you rapidly lose excess fat, and can also help you be open spiritually. There's a reason Jesus and Moses both spent 40 days in the Desert fasting before they became closer to God. They were in ketosis. The ethics of what you watch on wingman becomes very tricky because the more explicit material the more stimulating it is and more enhance your work out will be.

When you're married, you cannot have a discussion about men's health without mentioning your wife, and you can't discuss women's health without mentioning her husband.

What is physical health? Is it a set of measurable quantitative metrics that are all within range? Is it when your LDL cholesterol is within range? Unfortunately, we didn't design ourselves. God did. We don't have the engineering design files for a human being. We think we understand human health because we can measure a few of the things floating around in our blood. It's more complex than that. Fathers are how children learn to know God, and to some extent, the physical abilities of fathers demonstrate to the kids the physical abilities of God. That's why physical health is important when you're married.That's why physical health should be important to men. Also, your wife will think you're hot, and so she'll try to look better because she thinks you could get other women. That's how men's and women's health are related.

LDL cholesterol mobilizes cholesterol to go to your testicles to make testosterone. LDL cholesterol is good. Testosterone is good. The blood pressure in your arm isn't the same as the blood pressure surrounding your heart. If you have a lot of abdominal fat, you have a lot of visceral fat, and you have a lot of pericardial fat, which puts pressure on your heart. It's not good to put pressure on your heart, it can harden it, and Jesus said it's better to soften your heart. Intellectualization is an immature defense mechanism, it's when you say a lot of articulate scientific things in response to something extraordinary complex you don't really understand. When doctors talk about human health, they don't really know what it is, and they have an immature defense mechanism just discussing what they know. They have some knowledge but no wisdom, no context, no deeper understanding. That's why so many people are unhealthy. 

To me, physical health is when your knees and lower back stop hurting because you lost 40 pounds of fat. It's when you're having crazy sex with your wife almost every day and she's wanting to do it more. It's when you can keep up with your kids and do physical activities with them. It's when you can do 1200 calories in an hour on the elliptical. It's when you can do the activities enjoyed when you were younger like basketball or skateboarding if you wanted to. But when you're older now, it's when you're formidable enough looking to gain the respect of young men. Fathers are how young children learn to know God, and to some extent, the physical abilities of fathers demonstrate to the kids the physical abilities of God.

Or is it when your wife or friends are telling you you look good? Is it when you can pick up your toddler and throw them in the air? Is it when you're scary enough looking to protect your family?


Spiritual Extra: 

Sexuality was needed by God to push his creations forward, but it's a very complex issue. The Bible doesn't seem to cover how to have proper sexual relations. The song of Solomon is basically a man thinking a girl is hot in the girl wanting to see his work to make sure she can be provided for. Yes there are some things there that are important in a relationship but probably not everything that you would want for the seed of relationship to grow in the man and woman's head so the man can grow and do God's will and the woman is able to mold him in her seed be able to get in his head.

Women have such power from their sexuality and many women don't realize this until they're older. They can control most men through sexual acts. How do you think Herodias convince king Herod to behead John the Baptist, she used her daughter to do a sexy dance for him and realistically probably promised a threesome or something of the like once he brought the head of John Baptist on a platter to her. The only thing John the Baptist did to Herodias was say that her marriage wasn't legitimate because she was actually married to another man who she had her daughter Salome with. 

Even from the dawn of mankind this was difficult. God didn't initially want to create a woman for a man and explored every other animal option instead as he knew the risk creating a woman would be. Eve was influenced by the devil to learn more wisdom through him and ate the apple and convinced Adam to do the same. The devil probably told Eve how to convince Adam to eat the apple even though Adam was told by God not to eat it, and it probably was similar to have Herodias convinced King Herod, and probably involved something sexual.



How Does it Work?

Make working out fun, enhances the workout

Boost Testosterone

Although it sounds great, physical health actually isn't all that important. 


57% of men in their 30s and 40s have watched porn in the last month,

If a man sees certain shapes and features of a woman, it releases testosterone from his testis.

But if 57% of men in their 30s and 40s have watched porn in the last month,

Why have men's testosterone levels decreased 25% in the past 20 years?

Is pornography causing a drop in testosterone levels?

Well, men who watch porn are more likely to have sex.


In their defense, men who watch porn are more likely to have sex,

But fundamentally, there's no getting around women not wanting their men to watch porn.


Testosterone increases on days you're having sex.

More sex, more testosterone on average.

But testosterone also increases if you masturbate.

So what's going on here?

Why would having more real sex be better for average testosterone levels than masturbation?

Let's go back to the 

Ain't nothing like the real thing baby.


It's a traditional masculine trait not show your emotions because it's constructive because men need to get the work done but fundamentally you need to have your emotions tied to what God's will is and if they're not you're not doing what he wants you to be doing. This is why Jesus talks about softening your heart because if your emotions aren't intertwined with a God's will is you're not doing what he created you to do and it's important to unlock yourself emotionally and it's OK to be vulnerable and it's OK to fall on the ground and lie there and cry a little bit especially when you're doing something new and something that God wants you to be doing and nothings easy the first time in failure is OK.

If you have never cried because of how good the sex you're having with your wife is then you were locked emotionally. If you have never cried because of how intense and scary God is, then you are locked emotionally. If you don't cry very often in all of what Jesus and God are doing for you on a daily basis and how they are intimately in your lives whether you realize it or not, then you are locked emotionally. The first step to unlocking yourself emotionally is finding Jesus, but if you're in a relationship that isn't making you grow and isn't what God wanted for you, you will still be locked emotionally as you're not doing God's will because you're not growing and becoming what he wants you to be. Only women can mold men in the deepest most fundamental way necessary to drive forward God's ultimate will.

What God wanted for a relationship is similar to how Jesus talked about seeds being in good soil. If you're with the right person your seat is in her head and her seat is in your head, and they continue to grow and grow and grow and influence you and you become a better person and she becomes a better person together and you grow into the people that God wanted you to be to carry out his will.



emotional extra: 

For me, the most effective videos were erotic.

It's a little tricky ethically, especially if you're married like me,

but using the device has actually led to my wife being closer than ever.

We started making our own videos.

I know it might sound scary, but we all have movie quality cameras on our phones now.

And you make sure nothing is connected to iCloud.

In contrast to Meta Quest devices that have all your videos downloaded to their app, 

which their employees have access to,

Apple is all about security,

And the data never leaves your phone,

It's easy to organize videos by making new albums on the iPhone.

It completely replaced watching certain other erotic material I used to have a bad habit of watching. 

Not joking, I haven't watched it since. And I used to watch it a lot. 

The story was the first time I lost 10 lbs in a week, I wasn't watching wife material yet as we didn't make it yet,

And we had a heart to heart,

I'm like I seriously lost all this weight, it's so effective,

It led to me telling her every bad thing I've ever done in the relationship,

Like think of your deepest darkest secret that you did,

I seriously told her everything,

It was a tumultuous night,

But then the next day she knew I was actually sorry and she came up with the making the videos thing,

Eyes song


Men are visually stimulated by women.

Testosterone goes up 35% when a man watches a sexually explicit film.

But why have men's testosterone levels decreased 25% in the past 20 years?

It's simple, we're not having as much sex as previous generations.

The silent generation wasn't so silent in bed, but millennials and Gen Z are.

We're having less sex because we're less emotionally connected to our partners.

To explain why, let's talk about the rubber hand experiment.

If you cover one of your hands with a blanket and pretend to replace it with a rubber hand,

So you can only see the rubber hand where your hand used to be,

And someone simultaneously rubs a feather on your hand and the rubber hand,

You begin to imprint in your brain that the rubber hand is your own,

Because you are feeling a sensation on your hand,

While you simultaneously see the sensation happen to your new rubber hand,

If that person then hits your rubber hand with a hammer you jump back in pain.

The brain is remarkable.


Now before I extend this concept to another common male sexual practice also involving one hand,

Let me say I do not have the authority to judge,

And I have probably done way worse than you,

And I am coming completely from a place of love,

But fundamentally, when you pleasure your own certain area, while watching someone else's area be pleasured,

You're essentially imprinting in your brain that you're having relations with that person,

There's no getting around this.

Let me tell you my vulnerable story before you completely hate me.

When I was testing the device at one point I lost 11 pounds in 7 days,


It's why women don't like it, they know there's something wrong, but they can't put their finger on it.

Pornography translates to visual prostitution


We commonly dissociate sexual pleasure from our partner.



Emotional Connection.

Why do women not like their men watching porn?

Deep down, why?

What's really going on.

Let's talk about the rubber hand experiment.

Testosterone decreases in fatherhood, but decreases way less if you have sex with your wife 3 or more times a week



So watching erotic films gets people horny and want to have sex


Instead of great sex in our marriages,

We do things to satisfy our sexual needs that are more "efficient".

Sex is becoming a commodity.

Instead of a man and woman joined as one flesh.

All so we can keep working longer and harder.

But is our work bearing fruit?

Our relationships need work.



Testosterone is a powerful hormone. 

It's an anabolic steroid.

It makes men horny and attractive.

It makes men happy and energetic.


Men are visually stimulated by women.

It's not just a cliche.

If a man sees certain shapes and features of a woman, it releases testosterone from his testis.

Testosterone levels go up an average of 35% when men watch a sexually explicit film.

This is a big deal.



The more provocative the visual, the more stimulation.


Keto flu.

Headache, irritability, can't sleep.

Don't do that to yourself.

Trigger ketosis with exercise.


Most people live their whole life running on sugar.

You eat food.

It gets broken down in sugar, or glucose, and it gets stored in our big liver organs as glycogen.

Your liver doses our the glucose to you during the day and night as you need it.

Our body makes us very hungry when sugar stores are low.

So we eat 3 meals a day to feed the hunger.



There's another fuel to run on that's different.



Combining natural testosterone with periodic ketosis to improve your physical & sexual health, and unlock your emotional & spiritual connection




For example, a sperm and an egg fuse to create multicellular organisms.

That's the truth.

We have pairs of chromosomes in every cell in our body because one comes from the sperm, and one comes from the egg.

That's the truth. 

The first ever sperm cell might have been named Adam.

And the first egg might have been named Eve.

And they fused as one flesh.

We share a common primate ancestor with apes and chimpanzees.

That's the truth. 

We are monogamous, unlike apes and chimps, because 



Women having eggs, and men having sperm isn't random.

It's a division of labor between the sexes that drove evolution forward.


Please consider reading the instruction manual eBook for only $4.99.

It goes into great depth regarding the ethics of the Wingman system and provides real life testimony. Picture and video suggestions are included with background information on the basic neuroscience of visual stimulation. Further, it begins to bridge the gap between religion and science with respect to the fundamentals underlying male and female dynamics. Lastly, nutrition suggestions are also including for ketosis and optimizing testosterone production in men. A physical copy of the instruction manual is included with every Wingman purchase or rental. 


Something spiritual also happens.

One ketone body is called beta hydroxybutyrate or BHB.

It's very similar to the recreational drug GHB.

We're designed so that when BHB hits our brain, we feel different.

And we're more open to spirituality and truth.

It can help you realize that true strength comes from vulnerability. 

If you feel like you're already spiritual,

I dare you to look your partner directly in the eyes and tell them you're not hiding anything.

Eyes are windows to the soul. The truth is obvious.

The truth will make you cry. I dare you to cry. 

I dare you to find limitless love, growth, and inspiration. 

I dare you to roll away your stone and break out of the prison you became.

I dare you to awaken your soul. 


Men have trillions of connections in their brain dedicated to seeing physical beauty in women.

It's how men are so incredibly perceptive to the visual aspects of women.

Shapes, features, movements. 

Brains are supercomputers, and men notice every detail.

A man will notice a bare midriff from a mile away.

It's why sex sells.

Scroll anywhere today, you will see visuals of women placed strategically to compete for your attention.

The most potent motivator for a man is the physical beauty of a woman.


If you don't become aware of what's entering your eyes, your eyes will become full of darkness.

It will trigger your brain to 


This process taught me that men lead, and women respond to our actions.

We perceive everything regarding their looks and they perceive everything regarding our behavior.

They can tell if we're lying. 

Women are the soul of humanity. Eyes are windows to the soul. Telling lies kills the soul.

When you lie, your soul starts to die. 



It's not just with explicit sexual content.

Scroll anywhere today, you will see visuals of women placed strategically to compete for your attention.



If you're not, 


What is

How does watching videos on the elliptical improve your sex life?

Well, what's the most stimulating content you could watch?

Sexual content.

But watching other people having sex can negatively impact your relationship.

You might be experiencing this now with your partner.

Fortunately, we all now have the tools to watch ourselves instead, in a safe, and private way.



Start with PG-13 pictures you already have of your partner on your iPhone.

You probably have a dozen or so really good ones.

Make an album.

Do a slideshow with music.

Tell your partner what you're doing and why.

Show them the results from your workout.

If your partner feels you're fully committed to them, they'll likely want to do more pictures.

It's vulnerable though, so your partner will need to feel true authentic commitment.

Tell them why you're not watching other people's content anymore and how this is replacing that.

If you mean it, they'll know when you look them in the eyes, and they might want to do videos too.

Don't force anything, in any way, shape, or form.

Only do what you're both completely and fully comfortable with.

This works best when you're already in a fully committed marriage.

If you're not married though, this process might help you understand why.

You can go to Settings and unsync Photos from iCloud, and prevent each app from accessing your Photos. 

It wouldn't be copyright infringement if someone were to somehow "leak" your love content though, it could be a sex crime depending on the content.

But there is no shame in what you're doing. If you're married, Jesus approves.

Also, for men, watching this content naturally releases testosterone, an anabolic steroid.

If you lift weights before or after the elliptical it's easier to build muscle, which she'll like.


The reason this can be a difficult subject to talk about is because we feel shame.

In the beginning though, Adam and Eve were naked and felt no shame.

It wasn't until we started being bad, like eating forbidden fruits, that we started feeling shame.

It's tempting in life to try to come up with schemes to prevent us from feeling pain.


But Jesus's mom, Mary, was obedient to God and helped repair His relationship with women. 

If we stop doing bad things

Before this, Adam and Eve were naked an unashamed. 

It's time we repair our relationship with God.

He intended for our pleasure organs to be a wonderful part of our life. 

He describes His intention for us to be "drunk with love"


Making your own movies for Wingman will be one of the most rewarding experiences of both of your lives, both sexually and emotionally. 

You can easily learn how good the content is by how much it enhances your workout, i.e. how many calories/hour you can do when watching it.


In order to create the best possible content, you'll need to reveal the deep emotional connection you have with your partner.

Both experiences are deeply vulnerable, all must be laid bare.


The more stimulating the content, the more vulnerable you have to get with each other in order to film it.

How the process specifically plays out is not what you would expect.

For me, before we made any content, the process began with me spilling the beans of every bad thing I've ever done, not only in our relationship, but in my entire life.

At this point, I wasn't even asking her to make content, I had just lost 10 lbs in a week watching other content, and I knew I needed to come clean.

I knew my device was effective, but I couldn't ethically sell it yet, so I was reading about Jesus and lust and how watching lustful content on the internet is really bad.

It's as if you're psychologically sleeping with other women, which is definitely lust. 

So I told her every bad video on the internet I've ever watched.

This led to me telling her every bad thing I've ever done to anyone in my life, in every previous relationship. 

Basically, I had to get out any bit of shame I had in my brain.

It sounds scary, but it actually feels really good, because I'm not ashamed of anything anymore. 

Also, it had the complete opposite effect of what I thought would happen.

I thought she was never going to talk to me again and I'd be in huge trouble.  

It had the complete opposite effect.

She already knew something was off. 

It took a few days, but out of no where she was like I want to do pictures and videos. 

I didn't even suggest it.

How did my wife know I wasn't lying? She looked me right in the eyes.






The most stimulating content is when both parties are comfortable, which can't be faked.



Eyes are windows to the soul. 

A funny thing happened. 

Men and women have pleasure organs that are intended to be used.

God specifically said He wants us "drunk with love".

He made these organs so we could feel intense pleasure, because He knew toiling through life would be difficult and we'd need something to cheer up.

Making your own movies for your Wingman is a very rewarding experience, both sexually and emotionally.

You'll realize how good the content is by how much it enhances your workout.

The goal is to enhance cardio workouts, but the 

It's easy to see w

This is 

A new trust will develop that wasn't there before.

You'll begin to realize why you're together in the first place. 

Things from the distant past will start to connect to why you're where you are now.

Experiences from your childhood and adolescence forged what you wanted in a partner.

Eyes are window to the soul.

When I first started my Wingman journey I couldn't look Emily in the eyes. 

When your partner realizes your sexual focus is solely on them you'll connect deeper than before.

A new trust will develop that wasn't there before.

You'll begin to realize why you're together in the first place. 

Things from the distant past will start to connect to why you're where you are now.

Experiences from your childhood and adolescence forged what you wanted in a partner.

Traits you definitely wanted, and definitely didn't want.

You'll start to feel like you're actually fused as one flesh, and it's for a reason.

You'll feel less irritable.

You'll feel less pressure.

You'll feel deeply loved.

I dare you to feel.

I dare you to connect.

I dare you to have the best sex of your life.


Also, more partners means you need more resources.

Why doe

he alpha usually doesn't get first access to the females, who may have children from the previous boss.

Alphas are conditioned to kill to get to the top, so it's no surprise he simply kills the babies who aren't his.

If he doesn't actually kill them, he secretly wants to.



How can females enjoy sex when she feels like she's competing with all the other females.

She's never going to be enough for him.

Also, why does she have to put out, and then gather resources for herself after. The sex isn't that great. 

How can the alpha feel comfortable when he knows the next alpha is soon going to kill him, or at least try to. 

Also, all these baby mamas want so much food and he's really getting tired. 

If he just had some time to think, maybe he could make some tools to help get more resources. 

But all these females do is complain that he killed their children, and how he spends too much time with Koko.

He knows they need his protection, because the next alpha will be as ruthless as he is.

She can be quiet and help gather the food.

Jesus wasn't exaggerating when said to gouge your eye out if it causes you to lust.

Things become very real, very fast.



Humans and apes evolved from a common primate ancestor.

Apes like chimps and gorillas have long sharp canine teeth, so the dominant male can fight off other males to mate with all the females.

This might sound manly, but there are huge drawbacks for everyone involved, including a newly crowned alpha male.



Monogamy is the driver for 

Human males protect the entire family from potential threats as well as help raise the children.

Men spend less energy fighting other males, and more time gathering resources.

Stabilizing the sexual desires of men through monogamy led to the creation of more complex societies and language. 

Monogamy creates

Birds are also monogamous. They need a stable environment because they can't fly at birth. They need time before they can take off.

As our brains got bigger and bigger, we soon realized our big human brains couldn't fly at birth either.

We can't walk until we're one, we can't talk until we're three. We need stability before we can take off. 

Monogamy ultimately allowed for primates to evolve big enough brains so they could be creators themselves, in the image of the ultimate Creator. 



Men, on the other hand, know competition is a lot of work, especially if it's for sex with a woman.

Even if you're the richest man in the world, a beautiful enough woman will find a fully monogamous situation for herself elsewhere.


It might seem manly to be having virtual sex with a bunch of women, but there are major drawbacks.


Monogamy allowed our brains to evolve and for society to grow.

Humans and apes evolved from a common primate ancestor.

Apes like chimps and gorillas are polygamous. They have long sharp canine teeth, so the dominant male can fight off other males to mate with all the females.

Polygamy creates aggression in males, and jealousy in females. 

Frustrated and humiliated males who can't find a mate reach a boiling point. They want to attack the alpha. 

Females don't like competing with other females for attention. Also, new alphas wants to kill the children from the previous boss.

Humans are monogamous, which not only prevents these negative emotions, but is much more efficient. 

Human men spent their energy developing tools instead of continually getting angry about sex.

Men work together instead of constantly competing over women, which allows complex societies with division of labor. 

Reducing sexual frustration and jealousy is much more efficient for gathering resources.

Children now have more resources and more time to grow.

to evolve and When the number of sexual partners goes up, even virtual partners, the quality of sex goes down.

Women don't like competing with other women for attention. They want to feel like they're enough.

In fact, they desperately want to feel as beautiful as a rose, which is extraordinarily difficult to accomplish.

Do not underestimate how beautiful a woman wants to feel.

If you watch other people having sex online, she doesn't feel beautiful.

In the bedroom, she's not giving her best effort because she knows you're watching other women.

Women know everything. 

The most stimulating sex is comfortable sex, which only happens when you eliminate lust.




Love is patient, love is kind, but love is also deeply vulnerable. 

The vulnerability is required for us to grow.

When we actually grow, we create the fruit of God.

Do you notice people "working" but they're not really producing anything useful?

This isn't what God intended. 

God wants His fruit. 

He made mini creators in His image and He's waiting for His product.

We're the only animal that can create like the Creator. 

He didn't make all these elements and wait 14 billion years for iPhones.

He wants something physically made with His elements and all of a sudden we've stopped innovating. 

This isn't just about you losing weight, having good sex, and feeling good about your relationship.

This is about allowing the system God created to work properly again, for humanity to move forward.

Our lust is holding us back.

Men are designed to create, and women are designed to tell them what to make.

Men and women must fully fuse as one flesh for humanity to flourish. 


You will be able to do longer workouts at higher intensities. 

The calories/hour of your workouts will double.

You won't have to struggle to achieve results. You'll look forward to workouts.


It's how we are are so incredibly perceptive to the visual aspects of women.

I promise you this will improve your life.

Be forewarned, women can detect lies.

I'm in a fully committed marriage, but if you're not married maybe this process might help you understand why.

It's easy to let fear take control, but it wouldn't be copyright infringement if someone were to somehow "leak" your love content, it would be a sex crime.

But you can still go to Settings and unsync Photos from iCloud, and prevent each app from accessing your Photos. 

Apple's marketing the past few years has been privacy and make your own movies. 

This was inevitable.

He once called out Moses for getting a divorce, because he said Adam and Eve were designed by God to be one flesh.


They are gentle and graceful, but us men have turned them into something they're not.


Scroll anywhere today, you will see visuals of women with sex appeal placed strategically to compete for your attention.

You'll see people serving money over God everywhere you look.

You'll see no one innovating anymore.


Women are the soul of humanity. They long for the truth because it yields results in men


If a woman has bitterness, it's because she's tired of the lies from the men in her life.


For me, I had to learn about the rubber hand illusion:

Imagine sitting at a table with outstretched arms and a rubber hand is placed where your right hand should be.

Your actual right hand is hidden from your sight under the table.

Someone then brushes the rubber hand you see, and simultaneously brushes your actual hidden right hand.

Then, someone hits the rubber hand with a hammer, and you jump back in pain.

Your brain embodied the rubber hand as your own.

If you watch sexual content online, while simultaneously touching yourself, you're embodying someone else's body as your own.

When that man sexually engages with a woman, it's as if you're doing it.

Psychologically, this is lust for another woman.


It's important to establish an ethical standard for lust to live by.

Job in the Old Testament said that his wife should be able to sleep with other men if he lusted for other women.

Jesus said if your eye causes you to lust, you should gouge it out.

Lust is dangerous. It pushes you and your partner apart.

The attraction you feel for the opposite sex is normal, it brings men and women together, but it becomes a problem if she has to compete for your attention.

Women want to feel like they're enough. In fact, they desperately want to feel as beautiful as a rose, which is extraordinarily difficult to accomplish.

Do not underestimate how beautiful a woman wants to feel.

Men don't have this part of the brain. We might want to look good sometimes, but it's not the same as women. 

If you watch other people having sex online, she doesn't feel beautiful. It's hard to appreciate how much turmoil this brings her.

She knows you have trillions of connections in your brain dedicated to seeing physical beauty in women.

In the bedroom, she's not giving her best effort because she knows you're watching other women.

Women know everything because ever since they were young, they've been looking at faces.




Men recognize physical beauty, women recognize facial expressions.

Our eyes have millions of neuron pixel cells dedicated to seeing what we see, and billions of downstream neurons in our brain to process it.

This allows us to reliably recognize subtle but important features in images.

For example, men will quickly notice when a woman's eyebrow is a shade darker, and a woman will notice an ever so slight smirk from her husband.

We have 43 facial muscles that generate over 7,000 unique facial expressions.

Men notice every little detail of beauty immediately, but it takes time for women, the full range of facial expressions doesn't happen all at once.

Once she gets to knows you, she has an extremely good sense of if you're lying or telling the truth, whether she admits it or not.

Men and women have the same level of advanced visual processing power, it's just applied differently.

The most stimulating sex is comfortable sex, which only happens when you tell the truth and eliminate lust.



Trust has to be rebuilt. Don't worry, it can be rebuilt, but you'll have to put everything out on the line. 

Do not be scared. She already knows something is up. This will only improve your relationship.

It might take a couple days, but if you're actually sorry, she'll know. Make sure you know why what you were doing is wrong.

Eyes are windows to the soul and women can see the soul of men.

This process will be uncomfortable, but it's the best thing you'll ever do for your relationship. 


Once you both feel a true authentic commitment, videos are a natural extension of that.


Why wouldn't you want to enhance your sexual relationship, lose a lot of weight, and get closer to God and Jesus? 


Making content is a little work at first, but it becomes an intimate bonding experience and the content enhances cardio workouts.


You both already know what you like, and now you have a health related reason to express it. You need the most stimulating content to optimize your cardio workouts.



An emotional cleanse has to happen though, or else both parties won't feel completely comfortable. 


I prove this scientifically with my step-by-step guide to help get you going.



The more stimulating the content you make, the more it will enhance your cardio workouts, but the more vulnerable it will be to create.

Telling the truth is hard for a reason.

God made men and women vulnerable for each other because it makes life matter to us.

Some of your biggest fears in life probably involve your wife.


I have an M.D. degree and was a research scientist in the neuro-modulation industry before branching off on my own.

Neuromodulation devices modulate, or change, nerve signals to help treat disease.


My joint pain went away,

My blood pressure went from high to normal,

I lost 60 lbs of fat while gaining muscle,

My wife and I are having the best intimate time we've ever had,

I stand up for myself more, 

I'm quicker at processing negative emotions, 

I'm the closest I've ever been to my family,

I feel a deep connection to Jesus and God. 

Also, I don't watch other people have sex online anymore, I've 

Check out the product selection. Please do this for you. 



Wingman is truly a win-win-win for weight loss, sexuality, and spirituality.


If you go down this road, your life will improve.

You'll start to think Jesus was a genius, not just a good man. 

It'll teach you about what a man is, and what a woman is.

God made this system for a reason.


Women can read men. They perceive all 7,000 facial expressions. They know how to direct us, because they understand us, even if they don't understand all the details sometimes.

Men lead, and women respond to our actions.

We perceive everything regarding their looks and they perceive everything regarding our behavior.

Men can move mountains, but they require the physical beauty and love from a woman. One reason we don't accomplish great feats anymore is because we're drunk in lust, and not drunk in love.

Men and women complete each other and yield the fruit of God. 


Your journey might start with a slideshow of old pictures on the elliptical, but it could end with you and your wife renewing your vows.


We've been given all this technology with no ethical guidance.

Most men are drowning in lust right now. You might not even realize it, I didn't.


You probably have a dozen or so good pictures.


This is one of the most sensitive subjects in most people's lives so be patient.

Only do what you're both fully comfortable with.

This is a vulnerable process, but it is worth it. 


Tell her why you're not watching other people's content anymore and how this is replacing that.