Physical Health


    The main thing here is you need to stay on the elliptical for the full hour.

    This allows you to burn enough calories to start making a dent into your sugar stores in your liver and muscles.

    Another important point is to have the intensity of the elliptical as high as you're able to comfortably have it.

    It's important to monitor your heart rate to see where your comfort level is.

    For me, 130 bpm is usually the minimum, 140 bpm is average, and if I'm in a good mood, 150 bpm.

    Heart rate is a good way to see how hard you're actually pushing.

    Once you start, you'll get to know your heart and what range works for you.

    When I first started, I kept the elliptical intensity around 10-14 out of 25, but now it hovers around 16-25.

    This type of higher intensity cardio burns more calories, and also triggers more testosterone release.

    It's not enough to just do the cardio, it's about recruiting enough muscle groups to really work out hard.

    Higher intensities will burn marginally more calories, but it's really about releasing more testosterone.

    This might sound very difficult, but let's go into how the videos make this experience immensely more enjoyable.

    One time during development the device wasn't working and I tried to do the elliptical, and I simply had to stop doing it, because the videos make it so enjoyable for me.



    As stated before, videos that are known to release testosterone in men to enhance workouts are erotic, humorous, aggressive, and motivational training

    You'll very likely find that erotic will be the most effective for you.

    This can be a sensitive topic to talk about, so let's approach this from a scientific and quantitative standpoint.

    We need to be on the elliptical for an hour and at high intensities, so logically, we need to watch videos that are the most stimulating.

    Let's define the most stimulating visual stimuli as 100S, for 100% stimulation.

    So it is easier to accomplish the 1 hour high intensity elliptical goal watching a 80S video than a 30S image..

    We all know men are stimulated by the way women look, but what specifically does that mean?

    From a neurological standpoint, they're are certain salient features of a woman's face and body that stimulate men.

    For example, one shape, is the triangle making up a person's two eyes and mouth.

    This is how your eyes physically track someones face:


    Picture Reference


    This triangle isn't innately sexual, it's how human beings are programmed to observe faces.

    In fact, this triangle shape is engrained into our brain before we are born.

    Babies will interact with this triangle shape in the womb, basically if you shine 3 flashlights on a pregnant woman's belly.

    The babies won't interact with the flashlight triangle if it's upside down, only when it's right side up.

    We are programmed to interact with certain shapes and patterns.

    The triangle though, becomes sexual after puberty, here's a heat map:

    Picture Reference

    The woman on the right is more pretty than the woman on the left. Most of their triangles are covered, how is this so clear?

    If you use your thumb to cover more of their faces it's harder to tell.

    Two thirds of our brain is visual processing.

    That's roughly 60 billion neurons and 60 trillion connections. 

    We all have visual supercomputers in our head.

    We notice every little detail and have supercomputers to process it for us almost instantaneously.

    We have extraordinary hardware to be able to process facial features. 

    Still, pictures of women's faces aren't enough to get a 100S video for our workouts.

    Even the more attractive woman face picture is maybe only 20S. I'm not staying on the elliptical for an hour at high intensities looking at just that.

    Try it yourself, it doesn't work.

    On a side note, this heat map also demonstrates why my wife, Emily, tells her eyelash extension clients to get natural looking hyaluronic acid lip fillers. Not too much for duck face, but more natural looking to fill out that heat map triangle. 

    Maybe if we add a body it'll have more shapes and features we like?


    (Picture Reference)

    Yes, but look how much both men and women focus so much on the face.

    Interestingly, women seem want to know more details about who the woman is, men don't care as much.

    Maybe bikini photos are 30S or 40S since there is a face and a body?

    We don't have 60 trillion brain connections to look at still images though.

    Life is in motion.

    We need faces and bodies in motion to get to 50S.

    I'm married, and you might see why I start talking about ethics in a little bit, but right now we're at approximately 50S and still a PG rating.

    This can get you to do about 600 calories on the elliptical, but you will max out.

    You won't be able to 1200 calories in an hour.



    When I started losing weight I was 273 lbs, and was looking at 20S - 40S pictures and playing video games on the stationary bike.

    I got down to 263 lbs, but I hit a plateau. I couldn't lose anymore weight. Also, my right knee started hurting.

    I also was using the device as a display for this fun drone (link), and I did a lot of nature hikes with it, which maybe helped me lose a few pounds, but the gym was more efficient.

    Side note, I took the Elevate Our Outlook image on the homepage with the drone.

    I started looking at 50S workout videos and using the elliptical instead of the bike, and got down to around 258 lbs, but I hit another plateau. My knee stopped hurting though.

    I was still playing Real Racing 3, it's really fun, but I needed more than 50S.

    What really gets a man going? Let's be real, sex.

    It started 2 billion years ago and triggered life going from unicellular to multicellular organisms. Female gametes started to become large nutritious eggs and males gametes started to be small lower energy sperm. (link)

    Testosterone in males started to promote risk taking, and females help stabilize this, but it proved to be a genius system and an incredibly strong driving force for life. 

    I'll blame my testosterone, but I decided to jump in and see if I could get results.

    I went right in and found 70S videos on the internet.

    I think we all know what type of videos I'm talking about.

    The results were very good.

    I was hitting 800, then 900, then 1000 calories easily. Much better than 50S workout videos.

    This is when I realized you could trigger ketosis with this. 

    My pee smelled funny and so I looked it up on the internet and ordered the ketone strips.

    It could much more easily trigger ketosis.

    I figured out over a couple weeks that 80S videos for me, actually weren't what I was expecting. 

    They involved videos including more of the face, which if you look at the bikini heat map, makes sense.

    I lost 13 lbs in 7 days watching 70S and 80S videos.

    I was about 243 lbs after that week.

    I need to start selling the device now, right? It's so effective.

    I just have to quickly work out the ethics of it.



    I have a mini wooden Jesus statue in my kitchen:

    I didn't quite know if what I was doing was okay with the 70S and 80s videos.

    I looked at the face of the statue and was asking is this okay? Is this right or wrong. 

    This led me to read Matthew Chapter 5.

    Jesus talked about gouging out eyes and cutting off hands before lusting after another woman so our whole body won't get thrown into hell.

    You can't get more serious than gouging out eyes.

    So lusting is bad, but what specifically is lust, neurologically?

    I found the rubber hand illusion:

    If you cover one of your hands with a blanket and pretend to replace it with a rubber hand,

    So you can only see the rubber hand where your hand used to be,

    And someone simultaneously rubs a feather on your hand and the rubber hand,

    You begin to imprint in your brain that the rubber hand is your own,

    Because you are feeling a sensation on your hand while you simultaneously see the sensation happen to your new rubber hand,

    If someone hits your rubber hand with a hammer you jump back in pain.

    It's quite remarkable how the brain does this.

    So how does this relate to 80S videos?

    Most men do a certain act while watching 80S videos, involving pleasuring your own area, while watching someone else's area be pleasured,

    This, like the rubber hand illusion, is imprinting in your brain that your area is actually the other man's area. 

    It's why you need a man to also be in the videos.

    There's no getting around this.

    That is definitely lust for another women who isn't your wife.

    Jesus said I should gouge my eyes out before doing that.

    Even Job in the Old Testament said his wife should be able to sleep with other men if only he lusted after other woman.

    Not as intense as eye gouging, but still not a good outcome.

    Watching 70S and 80S videos is psychologically lust. 

    I was upstairs right outside our bedroom when I told God and Jesus I'd never watch those videos again and asked for forgiveness.

    Okay, so I can't sell my device then.

    I could only really trigger ketosis with the very stimulating videos. 

    The device also works great with drones, but who cares about drones, they're fun for like 2 weeks.

    You can lose like 20 lbs before watching bad videos, but Ozempic works better than that. 

    I decided to talk to my wife, Emily, about it.


    I told her what happened.

    How I lost 13 lbs in a week because I was watching those videos. 

    She felt betrayed.

    I had previously told her I stopped watching those type of videos.

    She was right, I was a liar, and I was being a bad husband.

    I told her how I figured out why it's wrong.

    She said I knew it was wrong.

    I told her I really didn't, it wasn't clear to me. 

    She didn't believe me at first, but I told her everything that happened, every detail,

    The rubber hand illusion, Matthew Chapter 5, how my focus was getting weight-loss results,

    And how deeply sorry I am now because I finally know it's definitely wrong.

    I admitted I lied and I apologized.

    She couldn't believe she wasn't enough for me.

    I told her it wasn't that, there was just nothing available of her.

    But she said she had just sent bikini pictures a couple weeks ago,

    Yeah, but how am I supposed to scroll through them on the elliptical?

    Yes, there's a controller, but it's too much work.

    The 80S video websites are very organized and easy to use.

    Wait, maybe there's a way to do it, like make a slideshow or something?

    The next morning I looked into it.

    It's easy, you just make an Album on your iPhone and make a slideshow of all the pictures.

    I made slideshow first without music of the bikini and other recent pictures and named it Beautiful Emily.

    I tested it at the gym.

    It worked really well, some of the bikini photos are 50S already.

    I didn't feel weird wearing my wedding ring anymore.

    It's a bit of struggle, but I can do 700 calories.

    Afterwards, I thought to look through some of the other stimulating pictures of her throughout our relationship.

    I had to start up two different old iPhone 6's and find all the pictures. 

    I forgot about this old 40S picture right before we got engaged. She had gotten her medical assistant degree. She's totally hinting she wants an engagement ring. 

    Wait, aren't pictures only 20S? Well it's 40S for me, there's a lot of emotion tied to it.

    She first agreed to be boyfriend-girlfriend on the phone during a med school Christmas break.

    I had given her an ultimatum at the Barnes and Noble Starbucks a couple days prior, asking her what was going on. We had been seeing each other for around 3 months already, but we weren't official.

    Deep down I thought she was probably out of my league, and I didn't want to waste time if we weren't going to be together. 

    She had thought about it for a couple days, and called me back and said I had to formally ask her at a nice Italian restaurant, but she would say yes.

    I remember after hanging up the phone, I laid back on my bed in my childhood Pennsylvania house and I closed my eyes and almost immediately I saw white dots and lines making up the important features and patterns of her face.

    It felt like her face became engrained into my brain. Like a horse being branded, but it was her face in my brain. 

    Something neurological happened, like it was finally okay for me to let her face be permanently etched into the triangle facial recognition part of my brain, but she had to say yes first.

    That medical assistant picture, her face, that's 40S for me.

    I also completely forgot she let me take this other 70S picture from our engagement night, when I finally did giver her that engagement ring.

    She had given me an ultimatum this time to get engaged after 2 years of dating.

    Wow, I didn't realize a picture could be 70S. I guess she was rewarding me.

    Anyway, new album, Emily Sexy.

    I tested this album at the gym.

    700 calories was easy now.

    After a couple days since the first tell-all apology night, she started to feel better about it and she's glad I told her the truth.

    I talked to her about how the work outs are going so well I wouldn't need to watch the bad videos anymore.

    She's suggested we should actually take more pictures since it's working so well.

    I said no it's really okay, I'm actually good now.

    She's like no she really want to.

    That was the exact opposite of what I thought would happen when I initially told her the truth, but somehow Emily Sexy got new additions.

    I'm back up to doing 800 calories easily now.

    I'm around 240 lbs now.

    That's over 30 lbs of weight loss.

    It's good enough to sell the device.

    Who cares if I can't do 1200 calories, it's close enough, and Jesus talks about sacrifice, right?

    Wait though, Emily now wants to do more pictures because she thought of an outfit she could use. 

    No, Emily, it's fine. I can do 800 calories. We're good now!

    Also, we're intimate almost every day now for some reason. Before it was like once or twice a week.

    No, no, she really wants to, and she wants me to video something more this time.

    Emily, are you okay? 

    Yes, she says she's fine. 

    She really wants to.

    No, I'm not doing that.

    It's wrong, isn't it?

    Wait, is it wrong? 

    Let's talk with Jesus again.



    What exactly is modern technology, let's think about this.

    Isn't the internet kind of an extension of the communication parts of brain? 

    You can read this right now, but I'm probably hundreds or thousands of miles away.

    It's a huge breakthrough for human communication.

    The bad videos on the internet are kind of like an extension of the sexual parts of the brain.

    If you think about it, it's a huge breakthrough for human sexuality.

    There's a reason the bad videos are so popular. 

    The problem is, the videos are not private videos of you and your wife, they're public videos sold for profit. That means lots of lusting, and lots of virtual prostitution.

    If we remember the rubber hand experiment, isn't virtual prostitution pretty close to real prostitution, psychologically?

    Even if the websites are "free", people are making money, and there's a reason so many people are going to the websites.

    The Greek root word pornographos means "the writing about prostitutes". The bad videos are filmed with the intention to make a profit.

    Jesus would not approve. He would say gouge out your eyes and cut off your hand.

    In fact, in Revelation when He comes back, He specifically comes back to kill "The Mother of all Prostitutes". (link) 

    This isn't random. Jesus knew how much of a destructive force sexuality can be.

    In fact, John the Baptist, who Jesus implied was the second coming of Elijah (link), and who baptized Jesus, was beheaded because of lust. 

    John didn't approve of King Herod and Herodius's marriage because Herodius was already married and had a daughter Shalom, with another man. (link)

    Herodius used her daughter to do an erotic dance for King Herod, likely with promises of doing more after, let's just be real here, for John's head on a plate. (link)

    Jesus talked about not getting married at all if you can't handle the commitment and how Eunichs lived meaningful lives. (link)

    This is a huge deal to Jesus. He personally knew the destruction it brings.

    Okay, well let's be very careful then.

    Okay, if we try one video, and we have to promise we are married forever no matter what. It goes without saying, but we are definitely not sharing it or making any money off of it.

    To prevent sharing, even though Apple says employees don't look at iCloud photos and videos, it would still technically be on their hard drive.  

    Click Settings, click Apple ID icon, click iCloud, click Photos, and do not let this phone sync Photos to iCloud.

    This is in contrast to Meta Quest, where all videos taken are stored to an app, which can be accessed by employees.

    Let's not let any other app have access to Photos just in case. Click Settings, scroll down, and unselect access to Photos for every app.

    Apple seems to be as good with security as they say they are.

    Even if a video did somehow leak though, it wouldn't be white collar copyright law infringements anymore, it would be sex crime laws being violated.

    You're not going to get the Napster treatment, you'll get the Diddy takedown. 

    Also, that would be between them and God, not me or Emily and God. We didn't share it. 

    Okay, we'll do one video. 



    Why do I feel like an adult film director all of the sudden.

    This is actually kind of tricky.

    How about this lighting?

    Let's go on the bed.

    Okay, this is perfect. 



    This is awesome.


    Seriously, 90S. 



    Gym test next day.

    1100 calories, easy.

    Okay, we're definitely done now. 

    I definitely do not need any more content.

    Wait, Emily wants to do more.

    She ordered a school girl outfit and it came.


    What has gotten into her. 

    Emily, are you okay?

    Apparently, yes, she's actually having fun with this. 



    I don't deserve this.

    I've never watched a video like with seeing a facial expression like that. 

    It's so sweet.

    I love her so much. 

    She's really the only person who still challenges me. 

    I remember when I quit my job 6 years ago to start my own company my boss looked at our picture for so long a couple days before I left, I didn't get why.

    Maybe he realized this woman could challenge me more than he could. 

    Every horse wants to be ridden. I wanted to be ridden harder than most people. 

    Okay I don't watch the bad videos anymore, but she was being more vulnerable doing videos, she needed to know more details.

    Let's just pull the band-aid off and tell her everything bad I ever did.



    At this point, most of the physical and sexual health related topics are covered

    We'll shift now to more emotional and spiritual connection after tell-all night number 2. 

    Thanks for reading!



    I lost a lot of weight, and then started doing weight training.

    It's might be harder to gain muscle in deeper ketosis when you're initially losing weight, but once you lose weight, it's easier to maintain weight and gain muscle .

    Before and after pic? 


    Here's a summary of the physical and sexual health benefits that happened for me in a 6 month period:

    1. Weight Loss
      1. I lost 50 lbs of Fat
        1. Intense workouts can trigger ketosis on demand
      2. Waist went from 48 to 40?
    2. Gained Muscle
      1. Gained 10 lbs of Muscle
        1. Testosterone anabolic steroid
      2. Went from benching 150 to 220?
    3. Joints Feel Better
      1. Lower Back and Knees don't Hurt Anymore
    4. Better & More Frequent Sex
      1. More dominating and more stamina
      2. Her Breasts Went from B to C
        1. Intravaginal & intraoral hormone absorption
      3. She also lost a little weight
        1. Said she wanted to look better
    5. Better cardiovascular health
      1. Blood pressure went from 140/90 to 120/80 
        1. Standard upper arm blood pressure
      2. Lost abdominal fat translates to less pressure on heart
          1. Less abdominal visceral fat means there's also less pericardial visceral fat
          2. Improves pericardial blood pressure


    How exactly does a pair of smart glasses improve your physical and sexual health?

    It makes doing the elliptical almost as fun as sex. 

    This triggers testosterone release. 

    This allows for very intense workouts that trigger ketosis.

    This allows your body to run on your burned body fat instead of sugar.

    This leads to more rapid weight loss.

    This leads to better sex. 











    Men are visually stimulated by women.

    Testosterone goes up 35% when a man watches a sexually explicit film.

    But why have men's testosterone levels decreased 25% in the past 20 years?

    It's simple, we're not having as much sex as previous generations.

    The silent generation wasn't so silent in bed, but millennials and Gen Z are.

    We're having less sex because we're less emotionally connected to our partners.

    To explain why, let's talk about the rubber hand experiment.

    If you cover one of your hands with a blanket and pretend to replace it with a rubber hand,

    So you can only see the rubber hand where your hand used to be,

    And someone simultaneously rubs a feather on your hand and the rubber hand,

    You begin to imprint in your brain that the rubber hand is your own,

    Because you are feeling a sensation on your hand,

    While you simultaneously see the sensation happen to your new rubber hand,

    If that person then hits your rubber hand with a hammer you jump back in pain.

    The brain is remarkable.


    Now before I extend this concept to another common male sexual practice also involving one hand,

    Let me say I do not have the authority to judge,

    And I have probably done way worse than you,

    And I am coming completely from a place of love,

    But fundamentally, when you pleasure your own certain area, while watching someone else's area be pleasured,

    You're essentially imprinting in your brain that you're having relations with that person,

    There's no getting around this.

    Let me tell you my vulnerable story before you completely hate me.

    When I was testing the device at one point I lost 11 pounds in 7 days,


    It's why women don't like it, they know there's something wrong, but they can't put their finger on it.

    Pornography translates to visual prostitution


    We commonly dissociate sexual pleasure from our partner.


    Eyes song


    Emotional Connection.

    Why do women not like their men watching porn?

    Deep down, why?

    What's really going on.

    Let's talk about the rubber hand experiment.

    Testosterone decreases in fatherhood, but decreases way less if you have sex with your wife 3 or more times a week



    So watching erotic films gets people horny and want to have sex


    Instead of great sex in our marriages,

    We do things to satisfy our sexual needs that are more "efficient".

    Sex is becoming a commodity.

    Instead of a man and woman joined as one flesh.

    All so we can keep working longer and harder.

    But is our work bearing fruit?

    Our relationships need work.



    Testosterone is a powerful hormone. 

    It's an anabolic steroid.

    It makes men horny and attractive.

    It makes men happy and energetic.


    Men are visually stimulated by women.

    It's not just a cliche.

    If a man sees certain shapes and features of a woman, it releases testosterone from his testis.

    Testosterone levels go up an average of 35% when men watch a sexually explicit film.

    This is a big deal.



    The more provocative the visual, the more stimulation.


    Keto flu.

    Headache, irritability, can't sleep.

    Don't do that to yourself.

    Trigger ketosis with exercise.


    Most people live their whole life running on sugar.

    You eat food.

    It gets broken down in sugar, or glucose, and it gets stored in our big liver organs as glycogen.

    Your liver doses our the glucose to you during the day and night as you need it.

    Our body makes us very hungry when sugar stores are low.

    So we eat 3 meals a day to feed the hunger.



    There's another fuel to run on that's different.


    There's one 

    Your body


    1. Weight Loss
      1. I lost 50 lbs of Fat
      2. Intense workouts can trigger ketosis on demand
        1. Very spiritual and big emotional release
    2. Gained Muscle
      1. Gained 10 lbs of Muscle
      2. Testosterone anabolic steroid
    3. Joints Feel Better
      1. Lower Back and Knees don't Hurt Anymore
    4. Better & More Frequent Sex
      1. More dominating and can be more physical
      2. Her Boobs Went from B to C
        1. Intravaginal & intraoral hormone absorption is real
      3. She also lost weight
        1. Said she wanted to look better?
    5. Better cardiovascular health
      1. Blood pressure went from 140/90 to 120/80 
      2. Important note though: arm pressure is one thing, but lower abdominal fat means lower visceral fat means lower pericardial fat
        1. less pressure on heart


    How Does it Work?

    Make working out fun, enhances the workout

    Boost Testosterone

    Although it sounds great, physical health actually isn't all that important. 



    57% of men in their 30s and 40s have watched porn in the last month,

    If a man sees certain shapes and features of a woman, it releases testosterone from his testis.

    But if 57% of men in their 30s and 40s have watched porn in the last month,

    Why have men's testosterone levels decreased 25% in the past 20 years?

    Is pornography causing a drop in testosterone levels?

    Well, men who watch porn are more likely to have sex.


    In their defense, men who watch porn are more likely to have sex,

    But fundamentally, there's no getting around women not wanting their men to watch porn.


    Testosterone increases on days you're having sex.

    More sex, more testosterone on average.

    But testosterone also increases if you masturbate.

    So what's going on here?

    Why would having more real sex be better for average testosterone levels than masturbation?

    Let's go back to the 

    Ain't nothing like the real thing baby.



    Ketone strips are cheap on Amazon.