Ketosis makes you spiritual
You'll be out in your yard trying to feed bread to a stork
Why don't he eat it?
The cranes eat it all the time
I need to try harder and be patient
But then you'll realize their carnivores
and you can force things like that
and you'll be thankful that God allowed you to exist.
Sexuality was needed by God to push his creations forward, but it's a very complex issue. The Bible doesn't seem to cover how to have proper sexual relations. The song of Solomon is basically a man thinking a girl is hot in the girl wanting to see his work to make sure she can be provided for. Yes there are some things there that are important in a relationship but probably not everything that you would want for the seed of relationship to grow in the man and woman's head so the man can grow and do God's will and the woman is able to mold him in her seed be able to get in his head.
Women have such power from their sexuality and many women don't realize this until they're older. They can control most men through sexual acts. How do you think Herodias convince king Herod to behead John the Baptist, she used her daughter to do a sexy dance for him and realistically probably promised a threesome or something of the like once he brought the head of John Baptist on a platter to her. The only thing John the Baptist did to Herodias was say that her marriage wasn't legitimate because she was actually married to another man who she had her daughter Salome with.
Even from the dawn of mankind this was difficult. God didn't initially want to create a woman for a man and explored every other animal option instead as he knew the risk creating a woman would be. Eve was influenced by the devil to learn more wisdom through him and ate the apple and convinced Adam to do the same. The devil probably told Eve how to convince Adam to eat the apple even though Adam was told by God not to eat it, and it probably was similar to have Herodias convinced King Herod, and probably involved something sexual.